
Auditor's Report

The Auditor’s Report is an annual audit by an independent public accountant is required by several state and federal statutes. The audit report contains the yearend financial statements of the RTA as well as the auditor’s opinion that the financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles and present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the organization.

RTA Discipline and Zero-Tolerance Bullying Procedures

The RTA’s mission is to provide accessible, safe, convenient, and efficient transportation for all citizens in the cities, communities and rural areas of Delaware, Dubuque, and Jackson Counties to enhance their quality of life. Therefore it is important that all passengers respect the other passengers on the bus including the bus driver. If a passenger does not, the RTA reserves the right to refuse service. Video cameras are installed on all of the buses and monitored on a regular basis.
RTA Zero Tolerance Bullying Procedure
RTA Progressive Discipline Policy
RTA No Show Policy

En Español:
Política de Tolerancia Cero del RTA Español ante el Bullying
Política de Disciplina Progresiva
Memorándum de seguridad de la RTA para los Padres

Public Involvement Policy Plan

The RTA 8 Public Involvement Policy (PIP) was developed due to a need for proactive citizen involvement in the activities conducted by RTA 8. The plan outlines recommended methods to engage the public during the decision-making process and informs members of the public how they can be involved.
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Marketing Plan

This Marketing Plan was created to focus resources and efforts on the RTA’s target markets within the Region. The data included in this document was collected from a variety of sources including East Central Intergovernmental Association’s (ECIA) Regional Planning Affiliation, current and potential RTA passengers, and stakeholders such as service providers and other members of the Transit Action Group (TAG).
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Limited English Proficiency Plan (LEP)

RTA 8 provides meaningful access to its programs, services, and activities to individuals with limited English proficiency, in compliance with US Department of Transportation policy and guidance on federal Executive Order 13166.
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Passenger Transportation Plan

The Passenger Transportation Plan is an annually updated document that outlines existing services, identifies gaps in service, and proposes projects to fill those gaps.
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Fare Increase & Service Reduction Policy

Soliciting and Considering Public Comments will be completed prior to raising fares or implementing a Major Service Reduction.
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Title VI

Delaware Dubuque Jackson County Regional Transit Authority (RTA) hereby gives public notice that it is the policy of Region 8 RTA to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, related statutes and regulation providing that no person shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, gender, age or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 amended Title VI to specify that entire institutions receiving federal funds, whether schools, colleges, government entities, or private employers, must comply with Federal civil rights laws, rather than just the particular programs or activities that receive federal funds.
Title VI Information Webpage